Government Websites

Websites are one of the most prominent ways for a government office to convey essential updates and information. Along with communication, websites also offer the services to create or update essential government documents for people. When you think of a government website, it must represent the ultimate form of reliability, as users depend heavily on it. 

But when it comes to a government website, users dread the thought of scrolling through it; why? You are never going to find a government website that doesn’t consist of occasional errors, problems, and technical issues. These issues are down to a need for regular maintenance on the website that is often overlooked post-development.

As a result, users have had a lot of complaints regarding government websites over the years where their overall experience could have been more profoundly positive.

7 Biggest Complaints That Users Have Regarding Government Websites

Let’s look at some of the users’ most significant inconveniences on a government website.

1. The Information Is Outdated

It’s been a regular occurrence that users visit a government to examine a piece of information only to see that it has been updated for a long time. Visitors often notice news articles from many years ago in the website’s newer section. The information could be more straightforward for users who rely on government websites for official news.

2. Poor UI/UX

One of the worst ways to throw off visitors on a website is to make them go through an array of sluggish UI/UX designs. The constant innovation in the digital world has given developers the complete freedom to create a user-friendly, responsive, and smooth UI/UX design for visitors. Still, unfortunately, government websites need to catch up to modern standards. Users have complained that most government websites are bland as they were created. 

3. Navigation Is Complicated

If you have ever explored a government website for specific information or services, you may wait to find it. Instead, it would take a while before you can come across the exact thing you want. This is another complaint that users have regarding government websites: their navigation is too clumsy and cluttered. This lack of cohesive structure could frustrate visitors and ruin their overall experience. Modern websites are developed with proper layouts keeping the user navigation in mind so they can easily find the exact thing they are looking for.

4. Broken Links

The Broken links or 404 errors on a website are cases where a hyperlink is expired because it has been relocated to a new address, the URL consists of a mistake, or the web page is made private. The links affect the technical performance of a website and ruin the user experience while navigating for a piece of important information.

5. Not Very People-Centric

While developing government websites, they are kept in mind that they will be used mainly by government officials. As a result, most government websites don’t turn out to be very people-centric. By people-centric, we mean that the content on the website is centered in such a way that it discusses the requirements that government expects from the people rather than focus on the issues or services people seek on the website.

6. No Language Translation Of Website Content

Another case where government websites could be more people-centric is that they are only developed in one specific language. Government websites are either produced in their native language or universally in English. But it is crucial to keep in mind that their website is to be used by both native and non-native people. Providing a language translation for a website to either the country’s native language or English is an excellent way to improve accessibility for visitors. Plenty of modern websites offer language translation on their servers on a whim.

7. Page Speed Is Too Slow

The digital revolution has introduced many modern trends designers implement to improve user experience and website performance. On top of that, the search engine algorithms also roll out updates regularly that affect website accessibility. Government websites rarely undergo regular maintenance and updates, so they must catch up to modern website standards. These technical updates affect the page loading speed, which is too slow for the users. Slow speeds are very aggravating for visitors, thus resulting in a bad user experience.

Why Do Government Websites Need A Redesign?

The possibilities for developing a creative and responsive website are endless in the digital world, and plenty of brands are using these features. Government websites tend to lag behind these trends, keeping the same old dull look and layout from when they were created. Not only just visuals but the technical performance of government websites also decline with each search engine update.

The outdated and bland aesthetics create a negative impression on the visitor, which is considered not a good look for an organization with the highest reliability among the population.

As a result, government websites must use modern website trends, go through a complete website revamp and provide a smooth and fulfilling experience for the users.

Redesign Your Website With Exemplifi

Is your website lacking the Midas touch of modern standards, and is it affecting the visitor experience? Exemplify will help completely redesign your website, revamp your interface, and integrate with current plugins to represent the best of your brand and organization, which will leave your visitors mesmerized.
Contact Exemplifi today to get started!