minecraft servers

Minecraft is one of the most popular games that people of all age love and play. In Minecraft, there are several modded versions, which have various addition to them. These additions make them unique and fun to play. Undoubtedly, creating a server is one difficult task. However, creating a modded server is not enough; if you want to get more players on your server, you also have to do everything to ensure that your server is visible to players who are looking for new modded Minecraft servers and minecraft modpacks.

Minecraft server listing website

Posting the server on a server list is one of the most popular strategies to attract people to your Minecraft server. One of the most well-liked resources for new players to locate entertaining servers to join is the Minecraft Servers listing website.

The majority of the server lists are sorted by the number of votes received. By setting up a voting plugin, you can advance in the rankings.

When you first add your server, the list will typically group it under the heading “New Servers.” As a result, your server gets a boost, and you nearly always experience a spike in membership on the day you add the item to the list.

Stream on Twitch or Mixer

Both Twitch and Mixer are fantastic resources for networking with and meeting other players. Entertaining streamers can interact with their audience and can expand their channels and server at the same time.

Many Minecraft watchers actively search for players on multi-player servers that they can join.

Giving your moderators access to the whitelist is the most effective approach to adding them to the server while you are streaming.

Make sure your server’s Minecraft regulations are prominently displayed when players connect. You can also share them on the profiles of your community’s Discord server and your stream channel.

List in Minecraft forum

If you aren’t familiar with the Minecraft forums, they are a site where users go to discuss anything related to the game.

There are lots of individuals who visit Minecraft forums, so you should consider joining one if you haven’t already. An excellent method to meet new individuals with the same interests as you and perhaps recruit them to your server is establishing respect on a Minecraft forum.

Run paid ads

Paid advertising is the way to go if your server is more well-known and you have some extra money to invest. There are several websites that provide paid advertising, and you may decide whether to use a more focused network like Google Ads or go directly with Minecraft Server Lists.

Make sure to complete your study before running paid adverts to avoid wasting money. Don’t waste money on initiatives that won’t succeed. An advertising strategy might be of great assistance to you.

Best mod to start gaming

If you want to start playing a modded Minecraft game, choosing the right game is important. Because if it is your first time, you must have a good experience playing a modded game.

Pixelmon modpack

The Pixelmon modpack is one of the best modpacks that is loved by millions of players worldwide. And if you love Pokemon, you can choose Pixelmon modpack and roam in a world full of Pokemon, fight battles, evolve your Pokemon and go on a fascinating adventure.

It is the best mod to start your Modded Minecraft journey. So, download the server from the modded Minecraft server listing website and join the gaming today!

End Note

These are the best ways to promote your Modded Minecraft Servers. However, do pay attention to your server. It is important that your server has low downtime and minimum lag to improve your player retention. Moreover, continuously giving updates and listening to player’s requests will ensure you have higher player retention. So, if your server is ready to receive players, follow the above methods to get more players.