Canada immigration

Be it Canada Study Visa, the course, or the university – getting reject is a major buzzkill. 

According to Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), around 30% of Canada Study Visa applications are refuse each year. Canada Study Visa applications from numerous countries – are facing a higher average rejection rate due to the increasing popularity of Canadian universities/colleges – and the ongoing application backlog. 

If you’re planning on studying in Canada or are facing rejection – this write-up provides information on the top reasons for rejections and how you can avoid them. 

Reasons for Canada Study Visa rejections

  • Not having a letter of acceptance – You can only qualify for a Canada Study Visa if you’re enrolled in a Designated Learning Institute (DLI) in Canada. 
  • Inadequate proof that you’ll leave Canada after your studies – You cannot stay in Canada illegally after your learing visa expires.
  • Unclear purpose of visit – You must provide a compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP), clearly stating why you want to study in Canada. 
  • Lack of financial security – Proving that you have sufficient funds to cover the cost of your education is essential to your Canada Study Visa application.
  • Incomplete academic credentials – You are required to submit your prior education credentials, transcripts, and mark sheets alongside your study visa application. 
  • Choosing a study program that doesn’t match your prior academic experience – Your selected study program must align with your career path, earlier education, or recent work experience.
  • Unexplained gaps – Consistency in your academic and employment history is important. If there’s a valid reason for said gaps, it should be explained in your SOP. 
  • Low language scores – Achieving the minimum language proficiency in English (or French if you plan on studying in Quebec) is an essential eligibility criterion for Canada Study Visa.
  • Family ties in Canada– Mention that you have a sibling or family member in Canada on your application may raise the suspicion that you won’t return to your home country.
  • Application backlog – A large application backlog can sometimes result in a higher rejection rate. At such times, IRCC may reject applications even for minor issues.
  • Medical or criminal background – Failing to provide a medical clearance certificate and police background check report may lead to application rejection. 
  • Inadmissible travel history – Incomplete or incorrect travel history and dates of travel to moving to Canada – will likely result in your learning visa being refused.
  • Incomplete documentation – Missing important paperwork, submitting incomplete forms and other such supporting documents can lead your study visa application to the rejection pile. 
  • Hiring an unregistered study-abroad consultant – You must only work alongside an ICCRC-authorized study abroad consultant in Gurgaon

What to do if your Study Visa application is rejected?

If your study visa application is reject, you have the right to request the immigration authority’s notes on your application. Upon receiving these notes, you can assess the reasons for the application rejection. Based on the same, you have three options: 

1: Reapply for a Study Visa.
2: Request a judicial review of your application decision.
3: Rescind your acceptance from the university or college. 

How to improve your chances of study visa approval?

Before submitting your Canada Study Visa application, you need to verify that your application is complete. Accurately filled out, and makes a compelling case – as to why you should be grant permission to study in Canada. 

For starters, since documentation plays pivotal role in determining your success. Make use of a document checklist to ensure you’ve submitted all required documentation. Don’t hesitate to provide additional supporting documents that are not specifically request –that you think will improve chances of approval.

Also, make sure that the university or college you apply to is a Designated Learning Institute (DLI). Make sure to carefully choose a study program that is related to your prior academic or employment experience. If there’s no direct relation between your chosen program/course and your career history. You should be able to explain how the skills and knowledge you acquire through this program/course. It will help grow in your career.

Furthermore, make sure to provide sufficient financial proof. If you’re applying through Student Direct Stream (SDS), be sure to have Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of at least $10,000. If applying through the General Study Visa stream. Provide proof of sufficient funds in the form of bank statements, education loans, proof of scholarships, etc.

Although it is not mandatory, including compelling Statement of Purpose (SOP) with your Canada Study Visa application can be beneficial.

Another way of increasing your chances of approval is improving your language proficiency scores. If you haven’t already achieved the highest-possible marks – try retaking the exam and achieving the same. 

If you’re still failing to get approval for your Canada Study Visa application. You can seek guidance from study abroad consultant in Gurgaon. Just make sure they are ICCRC authorize.