The phrase “workflow” or “workflow process” has gained popularity in the corporate world. Although the phrase is frequently use, there isn’t general agreement on what it entails or how it differs from a business process.

What is a workflow process?

A workflow process is a series of actions that must be take to finish a task. It is generate by predetermined actions or business principles, is repetitive, and is frequently linear. Four main elements typically make up a workflow process:

  • Actors. Either the people or the tools that will do the work.
  • Activities. The things that are done. An action is something that is done in a predetermined way as part of an activity.
  • Results. The result or output of every action.
  • State. When a project is in the midst of a process.

People frequently mean a visual depiction when they talk about a workflow procedure. Typically, a workflow diagram is create to achieve this. Flowcharts and value stream maps are two types of workflow diagrams. Although it is possible to draw a process diagram manually, a workflow management system is by far the most effective way to do so. A workflow management system also makes it simple for businesses to monitor all of their workflows, spot inefficiencies, and make adjustments.

What distinguishes a business process from a workflow process?

The goal of a workflow process is to get a task done. However, a business process is more comprehensive and focused on attaining an organizational goal. Employee onboarding, for instance, is a typical HR process in many firms. To successfully onboard the new employee is the goal. This goal’s needed actions constitute a business process. A workflow process is a specific task, like giving a new hire an email address.

Ten advantages of a workflow procedure

Determine any inefficiencies

Stakeholders can have a better knowledge of an organization’s everyday operations from start to finish by developing a workflow procedure. They can immediately spot waste and duplication of effort while also emphasizing areas that need development.

Reduce expenses while boosting profitability

Organizations often find that they need fewer resources as workflow processes are standardize and work is complete faster. Making more with less costs less and boosts revenue.

Determine potential areas for automation

Organizations can find chances for automation with the aid of workflow processes. For instance, a new hire initiates a series of actions throughout the employee onboarding process, such as authorizing system access and allocating business assets. By automating these time-consuming tasks, HR professionals can concentrate on more important duties like onboarding new workers.

Increased openness

Workflows will play a crucial part in giving stakeholders an inside look at how your teams are working through projects and feeling confident in the business as a whole as they expand and become more integrated into your workplace. This can also be a huge assistance when onboarding new clients because you’ll be able to give them a tried-and-true method and explain how your management system could benefit their project.

Put an end to micromanagement

Employee performance suffers when talent is underutilize under micromanagement. With a workflow procedure, workers consistently carry out pre-specified tasks and finish them by the deadline. Managers can devote more time to making important company decisions rather than micromanaging employees.

Highlight the positive

Tasks can be delegate to employees using a workflow method base on their strengths and skill sets. As a result, productivity increases and staff morale rises.

Better communication

With a workflow mechanism in place, staff members are aware of the proper channels for communication and where to turn for information. Employee productivity is higher, and relations with management are improve.

High-quality customer service

Organizations can automate manual operations, freeing up workers to help consumers for longer periods. Organizations can also improve customer experience by streamlining customer communication operations.

Increased adherence

Automated tasks and standardized procedures reduce human error when workflow mechanisms are in place, which minimizes expensive human errors.

Performance measurement

Organizations frequently manually collect data at the departmental level in the absence of established protocols. This method takes a lot of time and prevents taking a macro-view of performance. The collection, analysis, and sharing of data within an organization to evaluate and enhance performance are made simple by a workflow process and workflow technologies.

Examples of workflow procedures

Each company has specific requirements and difficulties of its own. A workflow procedure is not a universal fix for all problems. The following workflow process examples will show you how to design more effective systems to enhance your business operations and reporting sales.

Fresh hire

Organizations have several approaches to hiring new employees and the onboarding process. However, the application process is the first step in practically every new hire procedure. After that, the application is examine, and either an interview is schedule or the application is reject. Following the interview, the candidate receives either a job offer or a rejection letter. The job applicant has the option to accept or reject the offer after receiving it. If it is approve, the next stage of the onboarding procedure will begin.

New client account

In the past, opening new accounts required laborious manual processes. A workflow procedure can ensure the process moves as swiftly as possible while avoiding expensive compliance difficulties in a sector that is subject to numerous laws, such as banking. An application kicks off the workflow process for new customer accounts. The application is assess, and the customer is either contact to provide supporting evidence or it is reject. After reviewing the supporting materials, the account is either accept or refuse. If accepted, the client receives a welcome package, an account number, and a bank card.


Making a workflow system that works for your business and helps your team has several advantages. Design with the project scope in mind and in a way that allows each team member to have access at all phases of the project to ensure that your team feels supported, confident, and ready for success. The process of setting up and maintaining a workflow system may appear difficult, but with the right software, it becomes simple to comprehend and allowing you to see results right away!