ENT Specialist

Thyroid, respiratory failure, recurrent ear infections, etc. These disorders require the consultation of a specific health professional: the ENT (otolaryngologist). He can diagnose and treat your various pathologies as a specialist in ear, nose and throat disorders.   

What is an ENT?  

 ENT is the acronym for otolaryngologist.

  • oto: ear
  • rhino: nose
  • larynx: throat.

ENT Specialist for Vertigo Near Me is an expert surgeon in ear, nose and throat disorders. Initially, this medical specialist only took care of these three body parts. You note that the ENT (otolaryngologist) also intervenes for various head and neck disorders. Whatever the area of intervention, the doctor’s role is to make a diagnosis and offer the most appropriate care treatment.

 These different body parts include a wide variety of pathologies you will see in the next paragraph. The diseases are very varied, and so are the treatments. It can be taking medication, surgery (restorative or reconstructive), rehabilitation or fitting a prosthesis or implant.

 Due to the complexity of the areas of intervention, there are also more and more ENT specializations. Among these: are otology, rhinology, laryngology, vestibulometry, audiometry, cosmetic surgery of the head and neck, tumour surgery, phoniatry, allergy, broncho-oesophagology, etc.

 In addition, ent specialist works closely with other medical professionals, such as speech therapists, audioprosthetists, occupational therapists and audiologists. This multidisciplinarity thus makes it possible to focus on the patient and his various disorders, which can very often be linked.

 However, there has been a gradual decline in specialists over the years. Nevertheless, the ratio remains correct since there are approximately 4 or 5 otorhinolaryngologist experts per 100 inhabitants.

 What is the type of ENT consultation? 

The different diseases

 ENT treat a wide variety of diseases or pathologies due to the complexity of the areas of intervention. In general, ENT specialists diagnose and treat the following conditions, regardless of the part of the body concerned:

  • congenital disabilities;
  • tumours;
  • infections or inflammations;
  • trauma or injury;
  • degeneration;
  • paralysis.

However, depending on the area, some pathologies are much more common. A patient who consults an ENT can expect an answer from an otolaryngologist expert on the following subjects:

For the throat

 Medical consultation with an ENT (is done for the following disorders:

  • tonsillitis;
  • removal of adenoids;
  • voice disorders;
  • thyroid and parathyroid surgery (in this case, the ENT must collaborate with an endocrinologist);
  • salivary gland tumours or infections;
  • tumours of the mouth and tongue;
  • stridor (the emission of noise during breathing);

For the nose (rhino)

Here again, medical acts include a wide variety of pathologies:

  • sinusitis;
  • sleep disorder;
  • loss of smell and taste;
  • rhinoplasty ;
  • significant nosebleed.

For the ears (oto)

  • ear infections;
  • deafness or hearing loss;
  • tinnitus;
  • dizziness and balance disorders;
  • recurrent ear infections;
  • otalgia (ear pain).

What does an ENT treat?

• In adults

ENT works with children, adults and the elderly. “Every day, they see patients with different problems “, explains their interlocutor. The medical field is vast: the ENT can be consulted in the event of disorders of the organs of the ENT sphere due to trauma, malformations, ageing or infectious pathologies. It is also suitable for treating thyroid pathologies and cysts of the tract, but also benign tumours and cancers. In terms of cosmetic surgery on the face, he performs septoplasties, rhinoplasties, etc. Finally, he also practices snoring surgery.

• In children

In children, it treats the same pathologies that affect the face, ears, nose and throat, but this is more complicated: it takes patience. It takes time,” explains the doctor. This is why there are specialized ENTs for children.

The course of the consultation with the ENT doctor

 Before consulting an ENT, it is best to call an ent specialist doctor beforehand. The GP will then refer you to a specialist if necessary.

As soon as you have an appointment with the ENT, the consultation takes place in several phases:

  • Questioning: the ENT doctor questions the patient to understand the disorder. For this, he asks for the date of onset, the symptoms, the triggering, and the level of discomfort. But also the medical history of the patient or his family.
  • The examination: to make a precise diagnosis, it is useful to examine the affected organs using a spatula, speculum or otoscope.
  • Additional examinations: if the first examinations are insufficient, it may be necessary to resort to radiology, fibroscopy, endoscopy or MRI, depending on the case.

At the end of the consultation: the ENT doctor gives an initial opinion and prescribes the appropriate treatments. Ent best doctor may also request additional visits to monitor the patient’s condition or to carry out further examinations.

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