People living worldwide enjoy themselves as they play an immersive escape room game. There is no doubt about how popular escape rooms have become today. You can simply look around and find several new and unique escape room ventures on the square!  

Playing an escape room game can help players teach vital life skills like time management, problem-solving, leadership, and many more! From Sherlock-themed escape games in Paris to suspense-themed games in Wild Goose Escapes, you now have many options. But while you play an escape room game, have you realized how these games stretch far beyond just a form of entertainment?  

Being the leader of your team and guiding your team to escape the room in time is something these games can help you with. Here is how playing the escape games can help you teach five leadership lessons: 

  1. Ensure that each player gets to voice their opinions 

Escape games can often lead to an excess of chaos, as every player tries to shout and voice their opinions as they play the game. In the eruption of such a chaotic mess, more often than not, many voices tend to remain unheard.  

At such a crucial juncture, it is your task as the team leader to ensure that every player gets the necessary space to voice their opinions before the rest of the team. Ensure that none of your teammates feel that the others are judging them while they place their views in front. Instead, as the team leader, you must encourage your mates to speak whatever they have in mind! 

  1. Unleash the skills and strengths of your mates 

Escape rooms offer equal space and opportunities for your team members to unleash their strengths. Hence these games ensure that every player gets to play their part in helping the team achieve victory in the end! 

Since escape games are team games and call for collaboration amongst your team members, you must make judicious use of everyone’s strengths. Someone may be good at solving puzzles, while someone else may be good at time management. In this way, every player gets the opportunity to step up to unleash their strengths and lead the others.  

  1. Let yourself loose 

When it comes to our real lives, it is a common belief that only we are serious can we make our brains think and work efficiently. However, the same is no longer valid for escape rooms.  

As the team leader, it is your task to ensure that every player enjoys the game and has fun. Remember that remaining “serious” is not going to aid your escape. Hence, let your team relax and have fun as they play the escape game together! 

  1. Divide and rule the game! 

Escape rooms give you only a limited time within which you need to solve the game. Given that time always seems so short, you must divide your team and manage it well once you step foot inside these intriguing escape games.  

As the team leader, you must understand your team members separately and know how to let their best abilities come out. You need to understand what drives each of your players and how each of them responds to pressure. You can then divide your team and assign them separate tasks to perform inside the game.  

  1. A little celebration 

Celebrating the little wins inside the escape game can be a great way to keep your team motivated. Each time your team uncovers a new clue and solves it correctly, you can celebrate the win together as a team!  

This way, you can remain focused and highly motivated toward achieving your result. Even neurosciences have emphasized the vitality to celebrate our short-term goals instead of solely focusing on the long-term ones.  

Now, these are some of the vital leadership lessons that the escape rooms can help you teach. So, the next time you play an escape game, do not fret about stretching your limits and growing as a leader! 

Author Bio: Charlotte Lin is a content creator at She’s a passionate young woman, mother to an amazing nine-year-old, and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world and herself. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter. You can find her on LinkedIn.