cds exam

Umpteen aspirants don’t take care of their health while preparing for the defence exam. As a result, they end up spoiling their health which impacts their mental health and physique. They become more vulnerable to serious health issues. They don’t know that bad health and poor physique can impact their selection. Bad health won’t let them study properly for the exam and poor physique will not allow them to sail through the physical efficiency test of the defence exam. 

Hence, it is crucial to take care of your physical and mental health while preparing for the defence exam. In this article, we have enlightened some self-care tips candidates can follow throughout the defence exam preparation. Apart from health, you need to take care of your preparation as well. So, if you are looking for the top coaching institute to start your defence exam preparation, choose the best one from listing site

Here are some soulful self-care tips for defence aspirants: 

Eat nutritious meal 

Your health depends upon the food you eat. However, candidates survive on unhealthy and packaged food throughout their preparation period. They order junk food such as pizza, burgers, noodles, chips, etc. This is because they don’t want to spend time cooking food and want to save it for exam preparation. Doing so harms their health as they don’t get proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals for better functioning. They don’t get enough energy and feel sluggish for the entire day. That’s why it is essential to eat a nutritious meal so that you can get proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the proper operation of your mind and body. 

Make sure to eat three meals a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. To make your meal wholesome, add eggs, oats, salads, cereals, meat, fish, wheat and rice. Make a proper dietary chart and follow it regularly for better outcomes. 

Take short breaks 

Constant study for long hours can destroy your energy and make you feel frustrated. Therefore, it is highly recommended to take short breaks after a specific period of time to calm and freshen up your mind. In these breaks, don’t try to do activities that can hamper your mind. Instead, do the activities you love to feel happy and jolly. You can hang out in the garden, watch an inspirational short movie, do art and craft, listen to soothing music and stretch your body. When you indulge yourself in these activities, it will uplift your mood and help you study perfectly for the next study session. 


Although defence exam preparation is a hectic period, don’t try to skip your regular workout. A daily workout for 20-30 minutes can work wonders for you as it provides abundant health benefits. It increases blood flow in the body, keeps your body fit and improves the functioning of your brain and body. So, never skip regular exercise if you want to keep your mental and physical health stable. You can wake up early in the morning to do exercise without hampering your preparation hours. It will be more beneficial for you as you can inhale fresh air and feel energetic for the whole day. 

Sound sleep 

If you are cutting off your sleeping time to prepare for the defence exam, you are doing very wrong with your health. Note that at least 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. Otherwise, you will feel tired and not be able to concentrate on the exam preparation. A lack of sleep also causes a number of health issues such as obesity, depression and anxiety which further affect your exam preparation. Therefore, make sure to take quality sleep for sufficient hours regularly for better health. 

Stay positive 

Yes, negativity can also impact your mental health and make you feel depressed and irritated. Therefore, it is extremely important to stay positive while preparing for the defence exam. Accompany cheerful people and share your problems with them. They will give relevant solutions so that nothing could make you feel mournful. They will even inspire you all the time and boost positivity in you to make you feel pleasant. So, associate with jolly and optimistic people and find other alternatives to keep yourself positive throughout the preparation period. 

Are you looking for a coaching platform to start your defence exam preparation positively in order to get positive outcomes? If yes, get amazing recommendations for the top institutes that provide the best CDS coaching in Chandigarh and make a firm decision. 

Summing up: 

To sum up, these are some soulful tactics through which you can maintain your health. We hope these special care tips will help you develop better health so that you can give your 100% while preparing for the defence exam.